
Create Mud Puppet

Level: 1
Component Cost: 10 gp
Market Price: 30 gp
Time: 10 minutes
Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: 1 week

This ritual will create a simple humanoid about three feet tall that is made entirely of mud (the creature does not leave muddy traces behind when moving). The mud puppet can lift up to 20 pounds and does not tire; it has no attacks and anyone can automatically destroy one with any attack, no attack roll required. A mud puppet must be given very simple orders, because it has no mind of its own — "turn this crank until I tell you to stop" or "use this bucket to gather water from that spring for my bath." It cannot gather much of any information from its environment, so an order such as "refill the fuel when it gets low" or "only gather enough water to fill this basin" would not work.

A mud puppet will last for one week before crumbling back into a pile of dirt. The lifespan of the mud puppet can be reset to one week by sprinkling 10 gp worth of residuum on the creature.

Descend into the Churning Chaos

Level: 12
Component Cost: 3000 gp + 500 gp per creature
Category: Exploration
Market Price: Not for sale
Time: 10 minutes
Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: Permanent

This ritual will allow passage to and from the Elemental Chaos. A large circle is drawn on the ground with magical chalk, and many archaic runes are scribed around and inside of it. There is no portal created, and no way to determine what will be waiting on the other side. All creatures who wish to be transported must remain near the circle for the full duration of the casting time.

Imbed/Remove Rune

Level: 1
Component Cost: Character level cubed (level x level x level)*
Category: Special
Market Price: Not for sale
Time: 10 minutes
Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: Permanent

This ritual is used to imbed or remove a rune. A character can hold up to three runes at one time; one in each hand, and one in the forehead. When a rune is placed into someone, it leaves a rune-specific mark on that particular location (back of the hand or forehead).

Runes can have various effects, and in rare occasions, seem to leave of their own volition. It is not known what causes this, but a rune that vanishes is said to reappear elsewhere in the world.

*The minimum cost of this ritual is 100 gp.

Part the Shadowy Veil

Level: 6
Component Cost: 1000 gp + 250 gp per creature
Category: Exploration
Market Price: Not for sale
Time: 10 minutes
Key Skill: Arcana or Religion (no check)
Duration: Permanent

This ritual will allow passage to and from the Shadowfell. A large circle is drawn on the ground with magical chalk, and many archaic runes are scribed around and inside of it. There is no portal created, and no way to determine what will be waiting on the other side. All creatures who wish to be transported must remain near the circle for the full duration of the casting time.

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